All rights are reserved to © Joey Ma 2013
Thursday, February 28, 2013
KTZ X Orschel-Read Day!
Hat -KTZ.
Jacket - Orschel-Read.
Sweater - KTZ.
Vintage Versace Bag.
Dress - Comme des Garçons.
Socks - Vivienne Weswtood.
Shoes - KTZ.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Push BUTTON Feature on Ketchup Magazine!
Dear all,
I did a photo shoot with Ketchup Magazine for the amazing Korean fashion label, "Push BUTTON" few weeks ago. It was such a fun shoot! Mr. Park, designer of Push BUTTON flew in his muse from Korea specially for this photo shoot. Ketchup Magazine is out today with Face Magazine, please go get a copy if you want.
My hair is done by my favorite hair stylist in the whole world, Bluedy Wong from Hair Culture TST.
Love always,
Saturday, February 23, 2013
World's End X KTZ Day in Taipei!
Headpiece - Topshop.
Cape - World's End Vivienne Westwood.
Top - KTZ.
Corset - KTZ.
Pants - KTZ.
Socks - Vivienne Westwood.
Shoes - World's End Vivienne Westwood.
Earring - KTZ.
Dear all,
This is my last outfit photo from this Taipei trip. I really love Taipei.
因為部落格的關系,這兩三年以來我認識了一些台灣的朋友, 其中幾個更變成可以交心的好朋友,真的想也沒想過, 所以很開心和感恩。每次去台北的時候,他們對我都很照顧, 真心的謝謝他們。而且我遇到的台灣人都很有禮貌,計程車的司機, 小吃店的老闆,服裝店的店員, 每個人都散發著打從心裏想對你好的感覺, 真的很難在别的地方找到這種感覺。
香港最近到處都充滿怨氣,所以讓我更加珍惜台北的時光。 禮貌是一樣讓我很在意的事情。我不管別人有沒有禮貌, 我只在意我自己對别人一定要有禮貌。只可惜生活在香港的我, 竟然會給香港人嫌我太有禮貌,真的是讓我完全傻眼!無言以對! 不過我一樣會繼續做一個有禮貌的人。
我常常以為只有女生和同性戀男生會留意我的穿著, 但我最近發現很多異性戀男生也有來我的部落格, 而且還跟我說很喜歡我的穿衣風格,好意外,謝謝你們。 衣服對我來說是沒有性別之分,但鞋子有,哈哈! 只要是我能穿得下而且我覺得美的東西,我都會穿的! 愛對我來說也是沒有性別之分,希望大家都愛得和平!愛你們!
Love always,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Metropop Issue 343!
Dear all,
The article is about man wearing leggings, go get a copy in MTR if you want! I've been wearing leggings for 8 years already. When I was studying in Los Angeles, I always go to American Apparel to shop for leggings, time flies, it is so nice to see many men are wearing leggings nowadays! Thank you Metropop.
我已經穿leggings穿了很多年了,從來沒有想過現在很多男生也穿leggings了,真的很開心。 如果有興趣可在各個地鐵站拿一份Metropop來看喔! 今天剛上架,而且是免費的,希望大家多多支持本地雜誌!愛你們!
Love always,
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Pet Shops Girl Day in Taipei!
Jacket - Pet Shops Girl.
Top - Vivienne Westwood.
Shorts - Ashish.
Socks - Vivienne Westwood.
Shoes - Underground.
Bracelet - OS.
Bag - Kreepsville 666.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
KTZ Day in Taipei!
Headpiece got it from night market in Taipei.
Vintage Sweater from Microwave in Hong Kong.
Jacket - KTZ.
Shorts - KTZ.
Socks - Vivienne Westwood.
Shoes - Underground.
Vintage bag.
Dear all,
Everytime when I am in Taipei, I am just in a super happy mood. My dear friend Vincent just opened his store, "Merci", address is No.37, Lane 177, Sec 1, Dun Hua S. Rd., Da-an District, Taipei City 106, Taiwan. If you guys ever go to Taipei, please check out his store. He puts all his heart into this store. And I've had five meals today already haha, just finished taking a bath and ready for bed. Here is a photo after having so much product on my hair all day before I took a bath, enjoy hahahaha!
每一次來台北都很開心。我的好朋友終於開了自己的店,叫做“Merci“。希望你們有空一定要去逛一下呵!地址是大安區敦化南路一段177巷37號1樓。 我今天弄這個髮型的時候噴了超多造型用品,十二個小時之後, 我終於把它拆下來,就長成這樣,哈哈!
Love always,
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Dr. Martens X Agyness Deyn X Bernhard Willhelm Day!
Headbang - Forever 21.
Vintage Leather Jacket from Topshop.
Top - EGR.
Shorts - Bernhard Willhelm.
Leggings from London.
Shoes - Depression.
Bag - Dr. Martens X Agyness Deyn.
Earring - Vintage Chanel.
Dear all,
If I have time, I wish I can dress like this everyday! This is my favorite kind of style for outfits. I hope everyone is doing well, I love you all!
Love always,
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