
All rights are reserved to © Joey Ma 2013

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

My First Oil Painting Exhibition/Art Project in Hong Kong From March 12th - 30th at Festival Walk!

Dear all,

I can't believe I finally have my first oil painting exhibition in Hong Kong! Thank you so much to Festival Walk. Moreover, this is also my first time to do collaboration art project in Hong Kong as well, and I am so glad I could bring my dear friend, Yann Le Goec, to join this amazing project collaborating with Festival Walk. I am so grateful! I've been going to Festival Walk since my high school years, and I would never thought one day I could have an exhibition in this incredible place! I hope you guys will enjoy the photos!

Festival Walk asked me to paint 10 special paintings as the backdrops for the window installation, and here are the results! I just have to say they match the themes so well, I am so happy with the outcome!

These three paintings are based on the theme, "Colorful Cotton Balls". Yann and I decided to use daily life materials and turn them into a fun project that combines art and fashion together!

These two paintings are based on the theme "Paper", I immediately think of using cardboard paper to create the paintings. I cut out some pieces, and painted on them, and stamped them onto the canvas! I really love the gold color that I used, and paper relates to printing too, so I really think these two paintings fit the theme very nicely, hope you guys think so as well haha!

These two paintings are based on the theme, "Aluminum tint foil". These are the most changeling ones for me to paint. I really hope you guys will go see these ones in real because the textures are amazing, and too bad don't show in these photos! I also put a layer of glitters on the canvas, so the outcome is kinda shiny, please go take a look at Festival Walk!

These three paintings are based on the theme, "Plastic Straws", and they are the first ones that I painted for this project. I absolutely love this section so much! I really want to say a BIG thank you to the production team! Look at the plastic straws decoration that they did! AMAZING! Yann and I came up the idea and showed them some reference photos, and wow, they just did it way better than I ever imagined, really thank you guys so much!

These paintings are from my "I:Individuality" exhibition that held in Tokyo last year. I can't believe I finally can show these paintings in my hometown, Hong Kong! I am speechless! Hope you guys will come take a look and show me some love and support please!

I really love the last photo hahahaha, the photographers told us to give some different poses, and guess what, we were all just working it haha, so cute!

Finally, I want to show you guys the photos that matter to me the most!

The last photo is the most important one because without any of them, this amazing project will never come through. Thank you for having trust in me E, I love you. Thank you to Festival Walk for giving me an once of a life time opportunity to work with a famous mall. And thank you to the amazing production team, the work is just absolutely impeccable. And of course thank you to my dear friend Yann for joining me for this amazing moment in my life, I am so glad I get to share it with you.

Allow me to write something in Chinese to finish this post:

活動結束了以後, 記者朋友們問了我一個問題, 你對黎小姐的過世有什麼看法? 我立刻說我不做任何回應。 然後我說我很愛這個人,所以不做任何回應。 記者朋友們就繼續問那你認識她嗎? 你上一次和她碰面是什麼時候嗎?有合作過嗎?我就說去年在event有看到她, 然後訪問就結束了。

我有我自己的方法去想念一個人,不用跟任何人交待。 去年第一次在日本開畫展, 她在我的facebook上面留言說要我加油, 恭喜我夢想成真。她知道我愛她而且非常尊重她,這才是重點!她知道,我知道,這就夠了。

Love always,

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