Suit - Orschel-Read.
Bag - YSL.
Shoes - YSL.
Dear All,
As you all know, I am really into looking for vintage Chanel handbags. I finally find a reliable website that provides all kinds of luxury handbags including both new and vintage ones. The website is All the handbags are 100% real with the original name cards. Moreover, the price is cheaper than the retail stores, and that is the advantage of having a luxury online store. As I was browsing on, I finally purchased my first YSL Muse Two handbag. I love this color combination very much. And the shipping time is very fast, so I am grateful and happy to find out about this amazing website.
You need to register to be a member first before purchasing a handbag, here is the link: invite/JoeyMa
If you want to find out more about Reeboz, please do check out their facebook and weibo page: reebonzhongkong
I hope you guys will enjoy the photos, as I am getting older, it's
time to use some luxury handbags haha, and I love online shopping, so it
is so nice to find out about Reebonz!
Love always,
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