Dear all,
Well well well, who knew I could work with Timberland one day! I am really happy and grateful because finally there are people who could see my versatility beyond my usual unisex style! When I was living in Boston, I couldn't survive without my Timberland boots for the crazy cold winter with piles of snow everywhere. Years later, I never thought I could work with Timberland, so I am truly surprised. I had a workshop with Timberland two weeks ago. Timberland invited me to style their clothes and introducing the "Design Your Own Handsew" DYOH shoes collection. Thank you for this amazing experience.
我很開心受到Timberland的邀請,讓我有機會能夠把我另外一面的style给大家看。 記得在波士頓讀書的那兩年,特别是在零下二十度的冬天, 我每天都是穿Timberland卡其士的6吋皮靴。 誰想到多年後竟然可以和Timberland合作, 真的很意外而且很感恩。謝謝Timberland看到我的才華, 我不只是一個只愛穿中性打扮的男生。 我永遠都是從客人的觀點出發,謝謝Timberland的信任, 合作愉快。
The shoes that I am wearing is designed by myself. I love the color combinations so much. You guys should definitely make your own pair too on Timberland's website. I had so much fun when I was designing my own pair!
我穿的鞋子是我自己設計的,真的很喜歡綠色撞粉紅色再撞桃紅色,哈哈! 你們也可以到Timberland的網站去設計一雙完全屬於自己 和全人工手制的鞋子!
Finally, the most fun part of this project is that I get to design an artpiece with Timberland shoes which will be showing and circling in all the Timberland shops in Hong Kong. The elements for Timberland are coffee beans, fish net, and plastic bottle caps. I really enjoyed making it, I hope you guys will like my design!
Other two pairs are designed by local celebrities Alex Lam and Sherman Chung.
Sherman,連同人氣Fashion Blogger - Joey
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