Jacket - Saint Laurent.
Shirt - Saint Laurent
Pants - Dsquared2.
Shoes - Balenciaga.
Dear all,
When I met Asano-san, first thing I said to him, "You are my favorite Japanese actor!" then he smiled, after that, I told him, "I've been watching your movies for 20 years!" then he laughed haha!
I don't think words can't describe how I feel right now. I am a huge movie nerd, I watch so many movies and I have so many actors that I admire. I support them quietly. For the last few months, every Sunday I got to share my passion on movies and tv shows on the the radio, I really treasure this opportunity. Just two weeks ago, I got to express how much I love Asano-san's acting, now two weeks later, I got to meet him in person. I am just so lucky and grateful.
我每個禮拜都會看兩、三部電影, 然後在家的時候就常常看英美電視劇。 超級喜歡看書的人被叫做書蟲,那我一定是個電影蟲。
" 你是我最愛的日本演員",他微笑,
" 我看了你演出的電影已經超過20年了",他大笑。
文字已經形容不了我現在的感覺。 這個世界上我有很多很欣賞的演員,而我永遠默默的支持他們, 因為根本不會有機會碰到真實的他們,也不想看到他們的真實個性, 他們的演技才是我最在乎的地方。
做夢也沒有想過會在現實生活當中看到淺野忠信。 兩個禮拜前我才在電台上說我有多愛他的演技, 兩個禮拜後竟然和他碰面,世界真奇妙,幸運和感恩。
Love always,